SFC for IPV6

vagrant file updte:

mount a local file to the VM

1config.vm.synced_folder "/home/ubuntu/qiang/nodus-1.24/SDEWAN-SetUp/", "/home/vagrant/mnt"

vagrant version update to 2.2.19


enable ipv4_forward in calico configuration

update ovn deploy yaml: update image tag, update ovn_subnet

5 privileged: true
6 mountPropagation: Bidirectional
 1apiVersion: k8s.plugin.opnfv.org/v1alpha1
 2kind: NetworkChaining
 4  name: example-networkchaining
 6  # Add fields here
 7  chainType: "Routing"
 8  routingSpec:
 9    namespace: "default"
10    networkChain: "net=virtual-net1,app=slb,net=dync-net1,app=ngfw,net=dync-net2,app=sdewan,net=virtual-net2"
11    left:
12    - networkName: "left-pnetwork"
13      gatewayIp: ""
14      subnet: ""
15      podSelector:
16        matchLabels:
17          sfc: head
18      namespaceSelector:
19        matchLabels:
20          sfc: head
21    right:
22    - networkName: "right-pnetwork"
23      gatewayIp: ""
24      subnet: ""
25      podSelector:
26        matchLabels:
27          sfc: tail
28      namespaceSelector:
29        matchLabels:
30          sfc: tail


  1. What the relationship between the life/right and NetworkChaining feild?

  2. Why we can have multiple left/right?

  3. In the ValidateNetworkingChaining I fount the network namespce is hard code to default, is that means all of the Virtual Network should be define in default namespace?

  4. Doese and the networkChain feild must start and end with a VirtualNetwork. Do you have a topolody of the ProvideNetwork and VirtualNetwork?

    ProvidedNetwork must combine with a host network interface.

    Virtual is just a OVN virtual switch?

  5. SFC : VirtualMode and ProviderMode

    as long as there is one end is not VirtualNetwork, this is ProviderMode.