Docker CNM

What is CNI?

How CNI plugin works?

What a CNI plugin is made of?

How a CNI plugin is being used in K8s?

How a CNI plugin is executed?

Anatomy of Pod networking

What is CNI

CNI stands for Container Networking Interface

An interface between container runtime and the network implementation

Configure the network interfaces and routes

Concern itself only with the netwrok connectivity.

How CNI plugin works?

  • A CNI binary
    • Handle connectivity - configures the network interface of the Pod
    • /opt/cni/bin
  • A daemon
    • Handle reachability - manager routings across the cluster

What a CNI plugin is made of ?

Part 1

/etc/cni/net.d contains the CNI configuration. The name decide the order.




 1# cat /opt/cni/bin/my-cni.demo
 2case $CNI_COMMAND in
 4    # configure networking for a new container
 7    # cleanup when container is stopped
12    # get the version of CNI
How CNI plugin is executed?
1Container Info ---- env vars ---
3                                  --->   CNI
4CNI config ------ stdin --------
Anatomy of Pod Netwroking

veth pair

 1case $CNI_COMMAND in 
 3    podcidr=$(cat /dev/stdin | jq -r ".podcidr") #
 4    podcidr_gw=$(echo $podcidr| sed "s:0/24:1/g") #
 5    btctl addbr cni0 # create a new bridge(if doesnt exist),cni0
 6    ip link set cni0 up
 7    ip addr add "$(podcidr_gw)/24" dev cni0 # assign to cni0
10    host_ifname="veth$n" # n = 1,2,3..
11    ip link add $CNI_IFNAMW type veth peer name $host_ifname
12    ip link set $host_ifname up
14    ip link set $host_ifname master cni0 # connect veth1 to bridge
15    ln -sfT $CNI_NETNS /var/run/netns/$CNI_CONTAINERID
16    ip link set $CNI_IFNAME netns $CNI_CONTAINERID # move eth0 to Pod ns
18    # calculate $ip
19    ip netns exec $CNI_CONTAINERID ip link set $CNI_IFNAME up
20    ip netns exec $CNI_CONTAINERID ip link addr add $ip/24 dev $CNI_IFNAME
21    ip netns exec $CNI_CONTAINERID ip route add default via $podcidr_gw dev $CNI_IFNAME
1if [ -f /tmp/last_allocated_ip ]; then
2    n=`cat /tmp/last_allocated_ip`
4    n =1
6ip=$(echo $podcidr| sed "s:0/24:$(($n+1)):g")
7echo $(($n+1)) > /tmp/last_allocated_ip

If the pod-to-pod communactaion is doesn’t work

1iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
2iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT

connect to another node

1# node-1
2ip route add via dev enp0s9
3# node-2
4ip route add via dev enp0s9
5# and enable ipv4-forward

Pod to publice network need a SNAT

1iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -s -o cni0 -j MASQUERADE

expose pod

1kubectl expose pod nginx2 --port=8080 --target-port=80
2# this will create service with cluster IP


Kubernetes Networking Requirements

  • Each Pod get their own IP addresss

    • Containers within a Pod share network namespace
  • All pod can communicate with all other pods without NAT(Network Address Translation)

  • All nodes can communicate with all pods without NAT

  • The IP of the Pod is same throughout the cluster

  • runtime is the program responwsible for executing CNI plugins.

  • plugin is a program that applies a specified network configuration.

CNI generic parameters

 2  "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
 3  "name": "mybridge",
 4  "type": "bridge",
 5  "bridge": "cni_bridge0",
 6  "isGateway": true,
 7  "ipMasq": true,
 8  "ipam": {
 9    "type": "host-local",
10    "subnet": "",
11    "routes": [
12      {
13        "dst": ""
14      },
15      {
16        "dst": "",
17        "gw": ""
18      }
19    ]
20  }
  • cniVersion: The version of the CNI spec in thich the definition works with
  • name: The network name
  • type: The name of the plugin you wish to use. In this case, the actual name of the plugin executable
  • args: Optinal additional parameters
  • ipMasq: Configure outbound masquerade (source NAT) for this network
  • ipam
    • type: The name of the IPAM plugin executable
    • subnet: The subnet to allocate out of (this is actually part of the IPAM plugin)
    • routes:
      • dst: The subnet you wish to reach
      • gw: The IP address of the next hop to reach the dst. If not specified the default fateway for the subnet is assumed
  • dns:
    • nameservers: A list of nameservers you wish to use with this network
    • domain: The search domain to use for DNS requests
    • search: A list of search domains
    • options: A list of options to be passed to the receiver

Plugin (bridge) specific paramters

  • isgateway: If true, assigns an IP address to the bridge so containers connected to it may use is as a gateway.
  • isdefaultgateway: If true, sets the assigned IP address as the default route.
  • forceAddress: Tell the plugin to allocate a new IP address if the previous value has changed.
  • mtu: define the MTU of the bridge
  • hairpinMode: Set hairpin mode for the interfaces on the bridge.

These variables are passed to the plugin via environmental variables.

1sudo CNI_COMMAND=ADD  CNI_CONTAINERID=1234567890 CNI_NETNS=/var/run/netns/1234567890 CNI_IFNAME=eth12 CNI_PATH=`pwd` ./bridge < mybridge.conf
  • CNI_COMMAND=ADD we are telling CNI that we want to add a connection
  • CNI_CONTAINERID=1234567890 We’re telling CNI that the network namespace we want to work
  • CNI_NETNS=/var/run/netns/1234567890 The path to the namspace
  • CNI_IFNAME=eth12 The name of the interface we wish to use on the container side of the connection
  • CNI_PATH=pwd We always need to tell CNI where the plugin executables live. In this

[7/15/2022 10:33 AM] Ramakrishnan, Kuralamudhan [7/15/2022 10:36 AM] Ramakrishnan, Kuralamudhan [7/15/2022 10:36 AM] Ramakrishnan, Kuralamudhan [7/15/2022 10:37 AM] Ramakrishnan, Kuralamudhan


  1. the CNI configuration default path is /etc/cni/net.d/. If there are multiple configuration file in this path, for example, In SDEWAN project, there are as following:

     1root@pull-edge-1:/etc/cni/net.d# ll
     2total 32
     3drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 12 14:09 ./
     4drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 12 14:08 ../
     5-rw------- 1 root root  857 Jul 12 14:08 00-multus.conf
     6-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  804 Jul 12 14:08 10-calico.conflist
     7-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   88 Jul 12 14:09 20-network.conf
     8-rw------- 1 root root 2854 Jul 19 09:11 calico-kubeconfig
     9drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 12 14:08 multus.d/
    10drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 12 14:09 ovn4nfv-k8s.d/

​ How kublet know which one is the default CNI? Does it depend on the file name numberic perfix ?

  1. I found all the CNI binary in this Path /opt/cni/bin. Is this a default PATH for CNI spec ? If any CNI will put the binary in this path.
  2. In the Service Function Chain Demo Archtecture. Is the brown box represent a virtual switch? And except the brown box, does it still need another CNI interface as the default CNI interface for kubelet to manager the pod.
  • Does kubernetes support any versoin of CNI SPEC.For example, does kubernetest support all of the CNI SPEC version.


How kubelet find which one is the primariy CNI.