
在Kubernetes中,一切都是资源,你可以通过create/get/describe/delete 来操作这些资源。


 1# 00-siample-pod.yaml
 3apiVersion: v1
 4kind: Pod
 6  name: first-pod
 7  labels:
 8    app: nginx
10  containers:
11    - name: 00-simple-pod-nginx
12      images: nginx:1.17.0

apiVersion:资源的版本,可以理解为你要创建的是 PodV1{}还是PodVn{}

kind: 资源的类型


​ name: 创建出来的资源的名字

​ labels:与其他资源粒度或者操作的关联

spec: 资源的参数

通过kubectl apply -f创建资源

1kubectl apply -f 00-simple-pod.yaml

如果需要更新资源,修改yaml后,重新kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml 就可以。


1kubectl get pod first-pod
2# get more detail
3kubectl get pod first-pod -o wide
4# get all pods of all-namespace
5kubectl get po -A

获取Pod 详情

1kubectl describe pod first-pod

Pod 状态

  • Pending: K8s已经接受了Pod的配置,但是还没有创建容器,可能还在拉取镜像或者调度不成功
  • Running:Pod已经调度成功,并且已经和某个node绑定了,所有的容器都被创建
  • Succeeded: Pod中所有容器都已经成功运行完毕并退出
  • Failed: Pod中至少有一个容器以不正常的状态退出。
  • UnKnown: Pod的状态不能被kubelet汇报给kube-apiserver, 这可能是work和master的通讯出现了问题。


  • Waiting: Default state of container. If container not in Running or Terminated state, it is in Waiting state. A container in Waiting state still runs its required operations, like pulling images, applying secrets, etc. Along with this state, a message and reson about the state are dispalyed to provide more infomation.
  • Running: Indicates that the container is executing without issues. Once a container enters into Running, postStart hook(if any) is executed. This state also displays the time when the container entered Running state.
  • Terminated: Indicates that the container completed its execution and has stoped running. A container enters into this when it has successfully completed execution or when it has failed for some reason. Regardless, a reason and exit code is displayed, as well as the container’s start and finish time. Before a container enters into Terminated, preStop hook(if any) is executed.


2# 查看pod日志
3kubectl logs <pod-name>
4# 查看pod中container的日志
5kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <container-name>
  • 每天或者每次日志到达10MB大小时,容器日志都会自动轮替。kubectl logs仅能显示最后一次轮替后的日志条目。
  • 只能获取仍然存在的pod的日志。当一个pod被删除时,他的日志也会被移除。



1kubectl port-forward


向kubernetes 引入新特性时,通常也会使用注解。一般来说,新功能的alpha和beta版本不会向API对象引入任何新字段,因此使用的是注解而不是字段,一旦所有的API变更变得清晰,并且得到所有相关人员的认可,就会引入新的字段,并废弃相关注解。


Pod 探针


  • ExecAction: Executes a specified sommand inside the container. The diagnostic is considered successful if the command exits with a status code of 0.
  • CPSocketAction: Performs a TCP check against the container’s IP adress on a specified port. The diagnostic is consider successful if the port is open.
  • TPGetAction: Performs and HTTP GET request against the Container’s IP adderess on a specified port and path. The diagnostic is considered successful if the response has a status code grater than or equal to 200 and less than 400.


  • Success: The container passed the diagnostic
  • Failure: The container failed the diagnostic
  • Unknown: The diagnostic failed, so no action should be taken.


  • Always
  • OnFailure
  • Never